Friday, November 30, 2007

Thursday Evening RE Class a Blast

Hello all,
I just wanted to comment on the RE Classes at OVUUC on thursday nites. Currently we are discussing our beliefs with Bill Randolph facilitating. Last night's class was the coolest so far with so many differing viewpoints on what 'God' means to them. If you haven't attended one of these you are missing out on some very interesting discussions. These are some issues that philosophers and great thinkers have addressed for thousands of years. Something to really make you think! It shows how diverse and deep our members and friends' beliefs about spirituality really are. One very intriguing comment I heard last night was something that Bruce Patalano said when we were in our smaller group. He pointed out, "You are your own metaphor". This puzzled me greatly and I'm still trying to figure out what it means. At any rate we have a great group of people attending these classes from both inside and outside of our own congregation. If you are free on a thurs nite come on out to the dome and get in on some excellent discussions.


Bettina Makley, aka Fairywebmother. said...

Yes, I have been SOOooo enjoying Thursday nights at the Dome! It has been fun to take a closer look at my OWN beliefs and to try and clarify them. It's also wonderful to be able to discuss these things, while not expecting others to think or believe like us. One point that stood out for me was how atheists are often stereotyped as having fewer morals, as though NOT believing in God automatically makes one immoral. The atheists I have met, in our group, are some of the nicest, most compassionate beings I have come to know. They show much more integrity than many of those who would judge them.

It's all been very interesting and I feel I have grown closer to the members who are attending, as they are so candid with their thoughts and feelings.

Nice blog, Orland!

Bill said...

I am very glad so many have enjoyed the group. A number of folks have indicated that it is something they have been hungry for.

I'm hoping to be able to keep Thursday's open from now on and let that be my night - for exactly that kind of experience.

Anonymous said...

Well said.